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作者:Kevin Chen2018-07-26

Today in History


1. On July 26, 2012, China's Jiao long submersible set a new record for China's manned deep-sea dive of 5,000 meters.

1. 2012726日,中国的蛟龙号潜水器创造了我国载人深潜5000米的新纪录。

2. July 26, 2009.Ma Yingjiu was elected chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) with 285,354 votes.93.87%

2. 2009726日。中国国民党举行党主席和党代表选举,马英九当选主席,获得285354票。得票率93.87%

3. On 26 July 1998, the Cambodian national conference was held as scheduled, with 39 political parties competing for 122 parliamentary seats. This is Cambodia's first general election in 30 years.

3. 1998726号,柬埔寨国民会议如期举行,有39个政党参加122个国会议席的角逐。这是30年来柬埔寨首次大选。

4. In 1992, Zhuang Yong won gold medal in the women's 100m freestyle at the 25th Olympic Games. This is the first gold medal of the Chinese delegation at the Olympics and the first time a swimmer has won a gold medal.

4. 1992年第二十五届奥运会女子100米自由泳比赛,庄泳获得金牌。这是中国代表团本届奥运会第一枚金牌,也是游泳运动员第一次获得金牌。

5. On July 26, 1954, China made its own primary training aircraft for the first time and achieved success. The trainer is called beginner's five.

5. 1954726日,中国第一次自己制造初级教练机,并获得成功。这款教练机叫做“初教五”。

