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作者:Kevin Chen2018-07-25

Today in History


1. On 25 July 1997, China established diplomatic relations with the Cook Islands. Each government has signed two joint communiques establishing relations with foreign Government.

1. 1997725日,中华人民共和国与库克群岛建立外教关系。各政府分别在两个建立外教关系的联合公报上签字。

2. On 25 July 1996, the six-day ASEAN conference concluded successfully. China, India and Russia all attended the ASEAN meeting for the first time.

2. 1996725日,历时6天的东盟会议圆满结束。中国,印度和俄罗斯均首次参加东盟会议。

3. On July 25, 1991, five historical sites in China were listed as world heritage sites. They are the Great Wall, the imperial palace, the ruins of Beijinger, the tomb of the first emperor of Qin, the Mogao grottoes.

3. 1991725日,中国五处古迹列为世界遗产。它们是长城,故宫,北京人遗址,秦始皇墓,莫高窟。

4. On July 25, 1988, the central military commission decided the military songs of the Chinese people's liberation army.

4. 1988725日,中央军事委员会决定将《中国人民解放军进行曲》定为中国人民解放军的军歌。

5. On July 25, 1978, the world's first test-tube baby was born at Oldham general hospital outside Manchester, England. Her name is Louise brownish.

5. 1978725日,在英国曼切斯特郊外的奥尔德姆总医院,世界上第一例“试管婴儿”诞生了。她的名字叫路易斯. 布朗喜。

