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作者:Kevin Chen2018-07-22

Today in History


1. Kate gave birth to a baby boy on July 22, 2013. He named George Alexander Louis. He has another name which called Prince of Cambridge.

1. 英国当地时间2013722日,凯特王妃顺利产下一名男婴。取名为乔治. 亚历山大.路易斯。他有另一个封号——“剑桥的王子殿下”(Prince of Cambridge)。

2. Wu Minxia, Chinese athlete, won another gold medal on the three-meter board, winning the 100th World Cup gold medal of China. After 25 years, the Chinese diving team has also become the world number one.

2. 中国选手吴敏霞在三米板上再夺冠军,为中国队夺得了世界杯赛的第100枚金牌。经过25年的磨砺,中国跳水队也成为了当之无愧的世界第一。

3. On July 22, 1997, the Palais de Chaillot, an ancient building at the southern of Paris's Mars square, caught fire. Some of the cultural relics kept in the palace were damaged and the loss was hard to estimate.

3. 1997722日,位于巴黎马尔斯广场南端的古建筑夏约宫突然失火。宫内保存的部分文物遭到破坏,损失难以估计。

4. Escobar Escobar, the world's leading drug trafficker, escaped from prison on the afternoon of 22 July 1992. Escobar Escobar's escape shocked the nation. Colombia’s President has called a national security conference to allocate $4 million to strengthen the prison.


5. On July 22, 1954, China purchased two destroyers from the Soviet Union and formed a destroyer brigade. The navy's first destroyer unit was set up in Qingdao.

5. 1954722日,中国从苏联购买了两艘驱逐舰,组建驱逐舰大队。海军第一支驱逐舰部队在青岛成立。

