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作者:Kevin Chen2018-07-20

Today in History


1. Yao Ming announced his retirement. Yao Ming has become the pride of the Chinese people, with his superb sports skills. Yao officially announced his retirement on July 20, 2011.

1. 姚明宣布退役。 姚明用高超的体育技能,成为了中国人的骄傲。2011720日,姚明正式宣布退役。

2. British contemporary expressionist painter Lucian Freud (1922 -- 2011) died. Lucian Freud was one of Britain's greatest contemporary painters. In 1995, he created Benefits Supervisor Sleeping. The painting was sold for $22.6 million in 2008.

2. 英国当代表现派画家卢西安.弗洛伊德(Lucian Freud1922-2011)逝世。卢西安. 弗洛伊德是英国最伟大的当代画家之一。1995年创作了《Benefits Supervisor Sleeping》。这幅画在2008年已2260万美元被卖出。

3. Swedish physicist Kai Siegbahn (1918-2007) died. Kai Siegbahn won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1981. The leader of Electronic spectroscopy (ESCA) in developing chemical analysis techniques.

3. 瑞典物理学家凯.西格巴恩(Kai Siegbahn1918-2007)逝世。凯.西格巴恩在1981年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。电子光谱学(ESCA)发展化学分析技术带头人。

4. Armstrong became the first man to land on the moon. This is "a big step for human". To mark the first successful of human to land on the moon on July 20, 1969, Setting July 20 as "human moon day" each year.

4. 美国人阿姆斯特朗成为登陆月球的第一人。这是“人类迈出的一大步”。为纪念1969720日人类第一次登月成功, 每年的720日设定为“人类月球日”。

5. On July 20, 1951, MAO Zedong expressed "MAO Zedong thought”. This thought is the guiding ideology of the CPC and the pointer of the Chinese people's revolutionary movement.

5. 1951720日,毛泽东表述了“毛泽东思想”。这种思想是中国共产党的指导思想,是中国人民革命运动的指针。

