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作者:Kevin Chen2018-07-23

Today in History


1. On July 23, 1995, two amateur astronomers in the United States, Hal and Pope, discovered a new comet while observing the constellation M70 in the constellation Sagittarius. The new comet called Halle popper, also known as the great comet of the end of the century.

1. 1995723日,美国两位业余天文学家海尔和波普在观测人马座状星团M70时,偶然发现了一颗新彗星。这个新的彗星被命名为海尔. 波普彗星,也被称作世纪末大彗星。

2. On July 23, 1986, the heir to the British throne, prince Andrew, married the lovely red-haired bride, Sarah Ferguson. Three million television viewers around the world are celebrating the wedding.

2. 1986723号,26岁的英国王位的第4号继承人安德鲁王子和美丽可爱的红发新娘萨拉. 弗格森举行盛大婚礼。全世界300万电视观众一起庆祝这一盛大的婚礼。

3. On July 23, 1975, the Chinese government authorized Xinhua to announce to the nation that China's surveyors had accurately measured the world's highest peak, Everest, at 8,848.13 meters above sea level.

3. 1975723日,中国政府授权新华社向全国宣布:我国测绘工作者精确测得世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰的海拔高度为8848.13米。

4. On July 23, 1903, the ford motor company sold its first car in Detroit. The car was designed by assistant manager Henry Ford. He hopes to produce this kind of car in large quantity and reduce the cost as much as possible. Make it affordable for many Americans.

4. 1903723日,福特汽车公司在底特律售出第一辆汽车。这辆车由副经理亨利. 福特设计的。他希望能大量的生产这种汽车,并尽量降低成本。使许多美国人都能买得起。

5. On July 23, 1888, Li Hongzhang opened the first light bulb in Guangzhou at the yamen of the governor general of Guangzhou and opened the history of electricity use in Guangzhou. Guangzhou electric light company also established smoothly

5. 1888723日,李鸿章在广州的两广总督衙门开启广州第一盏电灯,开启广州使用电力的历史,广州电灯公司也顺利创办。

