
英语发音讲座当前位置:首页 > 学习资源 >英语发音讲座

/au/ 和 / 易说堂发音图标u/ 的发音

欢迎来到易说堂电话英语!我们要学习到的是合口双元音的/ au/ 和 / u/ 这两个发音。 / au/发音时口型由/a/向/u/滑动合口为一。双唇逐渐收成圆形 /a/音读得清楚响亮,/u/音读得模糊短促;由口大到口小。音量由强到弱。发/u/音是把舌向后缩,舌后部稍稍抬起。而/u/发音时口型由//向/u/滑动;舌位由低到高 //音读得清楚响亮,/u/音读得模糊短促;舌唇由扁平偏圆到略收圆,音量由强到弱。 大家跟外教读些单词句子,来更好地练习这两个音。

Please read groups of words to distinguish the / au/ and / u/.
1. now  know
2. allow  load
3. how  hole
4. down  below
5. house  host
6. mouth  most
7. proud  prose
8. cow  goat

Please read some phrases and sentences to practice the sounds
1. not allow me to follow
2. read the poem aloud
3. The house is already sold.
4. Temperature is low in the south.
5. The mountain is covered with snow.
6. The place abounds in coal.
7. The cow is moving slowly.
8. He felt terribly cold in the house.

Read more sentences for you to recite.
1. It was a plain joke to allow the house to be sold.
2. I doubt he will be able to vote for that fellow.
3. The stolen cow must have been sold before now.
4. When you are old you will know all about this joke.
5. He is very proud of being known as a social celebrity.