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/ai/ 和 /ei/ 的发音

欢迎来到易说堂电话英语语音学习!我们要学习到的是区别/ai/和/ei/这两个音双元音/ai/和汉语拼音中的ai 近似。注意前一个音素/a/要发到位,够长够重,而尾音/i/相比之下则要弱而短。所以说“I” 不等同于“爱”,“try”也不是用脚“踹”。 “发不好/ei/的关键关于缺少“滑音”,也就是说,在发音时没有把握住先发好/e/再滑向/i/音的技巧,发好的关键是注意这两个双元音都是由两个音素组成的。这就意味着,每个发音时一定要发足,切不可只发前一半而忽略后一半或反之。大家还是跟外教读一些单词短语句子来练习区分这两个音。

Please read groups of words to distinguish the /ai/ and /ei/ sounds.
1. light  late
2. fight  fate
3. bite  bait
4. height  hate
5. sight  sate
6. wide  wade

Please read some phrases to practice the sounds
1. fighting against his fate
2. hate to gain a new height
3. wade in the wide fields of the wild
4. raise the price of bikes
5. his mate might be all right

Please read some sentences to further practice the two sounds
1. She hates to fight with anyone.
2. John seems to easily bite the bait.
3. Henry waved his hand to his wife.
4. These wives enjoy seeing sea waves.
5. She sates with the sight of oral fight.
6. You must pay high prices for the praise.