
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第37期



老师: Ben
周期: 12个月


Before learning:

Before Cindy had lessons with me, I noticed that she was a bit timid in terms of speaking. She would choose her words carefully and her reasoning power was not that strong. Also, I’ve noticed that she would have problems in terms of expressing her ideas every now and then. There were also some instances wherein she would have grammar lapses. At that time I thought to myself that we have a lot of work to do for her to improve her overall English.

After learning:

Shortly after the course of our learning, I’ve noticed that Cindy is more expressive and more confident in terms of speaking and she would always see to it that she uses the right word to express what she means. Her grammar and her speaking skills have improved significantly. She is now a spontaneous talker and her ability to take on any topic and talk about it for a long period of time is amazing. That proves to show that her understanding has improved. If you don’t believe me, you can talk to her yourself and you’ll find out that I’m telling the truth.


Overall, I think Cindy is now a notch higher in terms of English. For future training, I suggest that she listen to speeches delivered by powerful and influential people. This will help her broaden her horizons and strengthen her vocabulary. She should also read more books and novels to support her never ending craving for new words. She should also take the time to speak to native speakers to sharpen her skills.---Ben