
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第34期



老师: Ray
周期: 12个月


Before learning: Chen’s English foundation wasn’t very good at the very beginning, especially her pronunciation, speaking and listening. But her persistance of learning English impresses me a lot. She hardly ever missed her classes, she prepares every single class well, she follows instructions well, she did her homework well. She deserves to the up there. I am so pround of her.

After learning: Chen’s English level has improved quite a lot during her study here. She told me many times that she has more confidence to speak English. She can understand those foreigners a lot more than before. She can even communicate with them without any problems. She feels happy about that. Her speaking, especially, is much better than before. Sometimes I tried to speak a little faster, she could pick up what I was trying to say easily. She’s now having a good time with a foreign teacher. I hope she can speak English without any difficulties in the very very near future.


因为工作上需要,所以想要把英语学好。我觉得在易说堂学习,效果非常好,特别需要感谢我的 中教老师Ray,教学非常的尽心尽责。易说堂的方法最大的优点是你可以坚持到底,不会半途而废。并省去了舟车劳顿之苦。我觉得现在进步最大的就是听力了,老师说的内容大部分都会理解。只要紧跟老师的节奏,做好预习和复习工作就好了。


Practice makes perfect. This saying is always true. Chen, please do more practice. English will become very interesting and even become an important part of your life. Do more reading to enlarge your vocabulary, try to watch more English movies and listen to more English songs to help you achieve your goal.