
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第34期



老师: Amenda
周期: 12个月


Before learning: At first she’s a little bit shy to express herself her vocabulary was limited and she was afraid to ask some questions however, I noticed that since at the very beginning she is really smart that is why I’ve done everything to bring out the best in her because I believe in her ability and I know that she can do better .

After learning: She’s more conversant now even she can express herself well I found out that she’s a “singer” by soul she’s very talkative which is really a good step for her in learning the language her vocabulary began to widen up and she’s not afraid to ask questions.


我想增强词汇量,增强各方面的知识。在易说堂学习,每天的堂课不仅趣味而且还能学到很多知识,老师又很亲切, 就像朋友一样。




Comment: Danielle, I know that you can do more better in english speaking. you will reach far beyond, Your vocabulary, pronunciation and accent sooths well, you actually sounds like an american when you speak so keep it up. Well all can do is to help you to bring out the best in you not only in english speaking but of course as a person, you are not just a student for me, you are special so I hope that we can work things out together anyway in this coming lessons that we will have grammar and vocabulary will be our main focus. I suggest though you already love singing songs and watching an american movies try to imitate the way they speak so that you can have the total complete accent that you want to achieve and with the grammar be more particular with the tenses of verbs if you did. so I think you are more than ready to go out and see the world of english language good job!!!