
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第31期



老师: AJ
周期: 12个月


Before learning:

My assestment for Alice with her English Learning. She always use situation-appropriate intonation. On rare occasions when inappropriate intonation is used, the teacher corrects her. She has difficulty producing nuances of pronunciation. She is confused with the word usage of function words. She can construct some basics sentences but not the complex ones. She knows the words in vocabulary but doesn't know how to explain in the target language. She has difficulty expressing herself in the target language but still engages in conversations. She readily participates in our conversation. And She listens attentively and she is very eager to learn.

After learning:

After few months of Studying Hard and Practices with a foreign teacher. I am proud to say that Alice shown a lot of improvement. She has the ability to analyze a word into distinct individual sounds. She can pronounce few words clearly and properly. She can manage to speak or say a few words more clearly than before. She can usually answer grammar exercises in complete sentences. She has a self-correcting skill in grammatical construction. She can provide examples that describes the word correctly. She can easily identify the written vocabulary in the exercise. She provide her own examples when describing the word. She can share meaningful insights during the conversation. She can initiate a conversation and is able to follow through. She could easily express her thoughts and ideas this day. She has shown improvement in level of listening skills. She maintains oral interaction throughout the discussion. She is very conversant; she listens when the teacher tries to explain the lesson. SHe shows interest on the lesson. She has a potential to improve more with her Skills. Because she always have a positive attitude towards learning! Keep it up Alice!





引用一句话“Rome was built in one day.”我觉得语言的学习是一个长期的过程,贵在坚持。


You are very well in using English languagewhen communicating with other people. You know on how you can deliver your sentences clearly. You have self-correcting manner, in which you correct your own mistakes during class. You are very careful in dealing with words and phrases. You know on how you can express yourself.----AJ