
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第31期



老师: Nina
周期: 12个月


Before learning:

I was really looking forward when I knew that Tom will be my new student. On our first class he’s not really that perky or conversant though he tends to answer me correctly. He’s confused with the use of his past tense in constructing his grammar lapses. I also had problem with his pronunciation or accent specifically with his /f/, soft /th/, and /t/ sounded words.

After learning:

After few months of his studies, he’s now more vocal and happy in his studies. I noticed that, he enjoys our class better than before. He’s not hesitant in sharing his insights or thought. He’s able to improve his pronunciation also and his problem with the verb tenses.




All through out classes that I had with Tom I can say that he’s really good in speaking, he’s able to make sentences confidently and expressed his insights well in English. He’s not shy anymore. I’m really glad because he’s able to improved also his pronunciation and able to use a lot of new words. However, to better improve his accent he needs to continue speaking in English and watch short English films. I also remind him to listen to English songs as much as often.---- Nina