
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第20期



老师: April
周期: 12个月




其实,学习英语,应该是贵在坚持,好好利用易学堂的学习资源,课前,先跟着预习视频多学习几遍,然后再用一些时间看看课本,准备每天的话题,课堂上,放松自己,尽量和老师多分享一些快乐,呵..既是老师,也是朋友,好的心情会让你的学习效果更好。课后,坚持每天反复听课堂录音,这是提高听力很好的方法,在反复听的过程中,发现自己的错误并及时改正,时间允许的话尽量多给老师写信。 希望易学堂的学员们,都能在这种很轻松的学习氛围中快乐学习,取得满意的成绩。

  I really enjoyed are class everyday you are very lively during class and your showing willingness to learn. I am very happy that you are my student. You're treating me not only your teacher but also one of your best friend and I'm very lucky for that. I hope we will be like this until at the end of your class with me. Stay smart and very lovely girl.
  You are very energetic when talking and I really love that it shows that you are very interested to learn the language. You are very good in speaking just to practice more to make it perfect. Remember that practice makes perfect.
  You are very attentive in listening. And can really interact and can answers questions correctly with just a simple instruction because you have a good listening skills. Don't forget to listen to your recordings every day so that you can able to note some words that you don't understand during the discussion.
  Your pronunciation is good just need to practice more on pronouncing some unfamiliar words and words that have a long spelling. And proper stress of the word is a very important in pronunciation.
  You can use unfamiliar words in are discussion and can able to use it properly. Reading a lot of books can improve more your vocabulary and always take note of your new words for the day and after that if you can't understand or don't know how to use it in a sentence you can look at it in the dictionary.
  You can construct your sentences and able to used the proper articles on your sentences and the tense. However, sometimes I can note that you are lacking of confidence is making your sentence. Just be confident enough because you are a very intelligent student.