
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第18期



老师: Romelyn
周期: 6个月


外教回忆,学员刚上课的时候发音还可以,但是对于多音节的单词如Legitimate, statistical等的发音还需注意。学员无法十分顺畅地表达出自己的观点,语速也比较慢。对于一些高级词汇如“master, knowledge”等,学员在使用前经常会犹豫,导致与外教交流时停顿比较多。





想对易说堂其他学员说:Practice makes prefect!


  Good afternoon to you! This is the first monthly report that I am going to make. First, I want you to know how greatful I am having you in my class. Secondly, I noticed that You are good when it comes to the English language, however, there are still some times wherein, I think, you are hesitating to speak your mind or maybe these happen everytime you hesitate to use or look for an appropriate word. But let me tell you this, You are good, so just speak your mind freely.
  I can say that you are good in this aspect. I have observed the confidence when you use the English language but there are still hesitations. I know that you can overcome this. Don't get tired of practicing the language.
  I can give you a strong point with this aspect because you do not have difficulty understanding instructions and questions. Your hearing ability is good; just continue to expose yourself to the English language so that you can enhance it more. Great job!
  I am happy to tell you that during our conversation, you can enunciate words clearly. Although your mother tongue has an influence on your pronunciation, using the language everyday would help you minimize it. Just be careful with words that have "v" and "w" sounds. Try to listen to some music that has these letters and imitate its sound. It would help you a lot!
  When it comes to your vocabulary, I can say that you have huge list of it. You know a lot of English words from basic to advance words but never get contented with what you have. There's more to learn! The more new words you encounter, the better. The challenge is how to use it appropriately and to remember it when you need it. You can do it!
  I know that you are good in grammar but there are still lapses when you speak. You seemed confused with your tenses but it's good that you can correct your grammar immediately.