
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第18期



老师: Justine
周期: 3个月


我是一名高二的学生,明年就上高三了。这么努力的学习英语,一方面是因为自己真的非常喜欢英语,对学习英语有着很浓厚的兴趣;另一方面是为了提高自己的英语水平,为将来出国打好基础,同时也希望自己能够说一口流利的英语,然后就能够跟外国朋友们交流,向他们好好的介绍我们中国(嘻嘻^_^, 本人是就一直梦想着当一名外交官的)我的英语基础是很好的,在学校我的英语成绩也挺不错,可是就是口语表达很不行,平时在英语课堂上回答老师提问的时候总会很紧张,不知道怎样用英语表达自己的观点。其实在这之前我是从来没有正式的跟外国人对过话的(我们这里的学校没有外教,即使在外边有机会碰到外国人也没勇气去跟他们说话),所以一开始跟我的e-say外教交流时,我是真的真的很紧张。不过外教老师真的是很有耐心,而且超有热情,人也很nice,在他一次又一次的鼓舞和表扬下,自然而然的自己也就不那么紧张了,而且也越来越有信心跟老师进行交流。上了差不多三个月11堂课,我感觉自己的英语口头表达能力真的提高了不少,我也发现自己越来越爱上跟外国人讲英语了。比起外边其他琳琅满目的英语培训机构,我想也只有e-say这种一对一的电话英语教学模式才能够帮我们这些英语学习者在这么短的时间内取得这么明显的好效果(这可是我的切身体验哦),因为我觉得这样一对一的在电话里跟外教交流你会很容易地感觉到有一种很好的纯英语氛围。By the way,在这里我还想说一下,在e-say上完了这些课我又发现了自己一个新的毛病,就是在听对方讲英语时很容易走神导致有时候总没听清楚老师讲了什么(难怪我平时听力考试总得不到高分),以后我得多加注意了。

我想对易说堂其他学员说,学习英语真的一点也不难,难只难在你能不能坚持,舍不舍得花时间在上面。只要你足够勤奋,再加上符合自己的学习方法,并且要大胆的说出来(在这里就能有这样的机会),I think you are bound to speak a pure English!

在易说堂习,要想取得好的学习效果,我的建议是在上课之前一定要认真做好预习(我每次上课之前都会用半个小时左右的时间来预习新课),课后仔细重听录音,然后尝试找出自己的错误或不足,并且在平常学习中注意纠正,我想这样长期坚持下来每个人都会有非常大的进步。 祝每一位e-say学员都能够在这里有所收获,Let's keep it up!

  I am feeling mixed emotions nowadays because you decided not to renew your program with us that's why I am sad. I am happy on the other hand because in a span of three months I have noticed that you improve specially in your expression and the way you answer my questions. However if you will not study by yourself or with another foreign teacher I'm afraid that you will not maintain your improvement.
  This is your most improved skill. I am happy that you learn to relax in our class so that you can express yourself clearly. I believe that with constant practice you will be able to become one of the best speaker here in e-say.
  Continue to use the resources you have to help you practice your listening. There are CDs in your book plus your recording file to review your mispronounce words.
  I still noticed mispronounce word in our class but its okay as long as you review and practice the right pronunciation after our class. The more errors you have the more words you will uncover and learn. So don't be shy commiting mistakes as that will help you improve.
  Continue reading english materials to help you enhance your vocabulary. Don't focus with just one book as there are lots of available materials for you. You can even search the internet for some useful articles.
  Learn to love grammar and master their use. It is one of your tool to help you become a great communicator.