
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第17期



老师: Rodel
周期: 6个月


学员刚开始上课时经常需要老师放慢说话速度,对一般的问候语“How is your day?”不熟悉,一般的对话也不大能理解,要老师重复解释;上课基本是老师问,学员简洁地回答;词汇量少。



1. She has improved well in her listening. Before I received a notice that I must speak slowly for her. And she also told me that. As time goes by she really did her best and with my help she improved her listening.

2. She has improved her oral communication skills. She couldn't speak well during the first two weeks of our class. Afterwards, she learned how to express herself well using our book. She has provided lots of information regarding with the topics.

3. She has improved her pronunciation. Everyday, I correct her pronunciation and I noticed that she could cope with the lesson, especially with our pronunciation.

4. She has improved her vocabulary. Every time we do our review regarding with the vocabulary, she's able to answer and review the meanings of different words.


I am glad that I am doing your monthly report again. And I hope this will not be the last. Your momentum in the English language remains the same. It doesn't mean that you didn't improve, it simplymeans that you are maintaining a good spirit in the English Language.

This monthly report is a collaboration of my observation to you for this past month.

I am really glad that I came up with good reviews with you. Please continue your attitude in learning the Language.

  You have been a great speaker from the start, though you stutter sometimes, it is not a big problem. You must feel relaxed in speaking to avoid stuttering.
  You don't have any problem with your listening skill. I think you have developed this skill since the first class you have with us in E-say.

Practice more in this area. Because of stuttering sometimes you missed pronounced a certain word.

Again, stay calm and relax to avoid problems in this skill.

Also watching English movies and reading will help you improve this skill.


By reading books and watching English programs would also help you improve your vocabulary skill. Keep practicing.

Your vocabulary skill is satisfactory. You are able to express your ideas with correct expressions and words. But please don't stop learning and practicing new words.

  You are good in making sentences. Please learn how to make complex sentences. I'm really glad that your Grammar skill is not a big problem for you.