
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第17期



老师: Joe
周期: 12个月






  Let me review your study in English of last month, I think you are in the place I can call it "slow progress", don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean you didn't do well, on the contrary, I think you are doing a great job, because after several months study with me, you started to pick up the sense of speaking and develop your skill in self-study to process new knowledge that you've encountered, during this period, you couldn't see some big change in your language study, just keep doing this you will find the cumulation of small acquirements will become a big leap eventually, while you are in this "slow progress" period, I advise you just take your seat and enjoy this ride to the next step.
  Remember that I've told you, you should give your response soon after others said something to you? even just "mmmmm....." or "let me see", you have gained some on this part, but sometimes I was still confused by the blank you gave me after my questions. I noticed most of the blanks are caused by comprehension problems, which is OK, just tell me you don't get it and ask me "what's that". just let the conversation flow smoothly and naturally like you have them in your mother tongue.
  You have done this well, but more vocabulary will definitely help you to comprehend others' speech better, more reading is the only efficient way to do that, so, you know what to do, right?
  I've found a useful website to correct some of your pronunciation problems, hope it is useful for you, tell me what do you think after you check it out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/
  I just searched the internet and found these two English websites about fashion: http://fashion.about.com/ http://web-japan.org/trends/fashion/index.html
  Just some small problems in your English Grammar, I will fix them for you when I find them in your writting or speaking. (I have read your e-mail to your client once, remember? It was good.)