
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第15期



老师: Rodel
周期: 个月



经过学习后,对语音知道获取比较上手了,能够分清单词的重读音节,如Present, Export等。现在变得有信心,学习也比较积极有动机了。跟老师交流比较顺畅了,能够表达自己的想法并使用适当的词语。语法巩固了许多,以前会说I have a little tired而现在能够准确地表达为I am a little tired,也能够较好地运用各种时态了。老师在每月评语中特别表扬了学员的英文写作,称学员写给他的邮件有非常大的进步。





  I'm so glad that you are still doing well in our class. You are a good student and you were able to express your different ideas. Your momentum in the English language remains the same. It doesn't mean that you didn't improve, it simply means that you are maintaining a good spirit in the English Language. It is a wonderful thing that I have come up with good reviews with you. Please continue your attitude in learning the English Language.
  Speaking it the most important thing of all. In your case, minimizing mistakes in this area would make you excellent speaker. You are improving gradually in this area. The only concern I would have is the way you release the words. It is really important that you have to be very understandable and clear. In our previous class, it seems that your speaking is not very clear. I want you to open your mouth so you can release and say the word clearly.

You don't have any problem with your listening skill. I think you have developed this skill since the first class you have with us in E-say.

Please don't stop aiming for more, there are always rooms for improvement. You can listening to English News and English Programs. In that way, you will be familiar with English conversation.

  The good thing about you is that you are very much willing for corrections, very open for it. This is related to your speaking skill, it means, if you will not say the words clearly, you will not be able to say the correct pronunciation.
  Watching English programs would also help you improve your vocabulary skill. Keep practicing. Your vocabulary skill is satisfactory. You are able to express your ideas with correct expressions and words. But please don't stop learning and practicing new words.
  You are good in making sentences. Please learn how to make complex sentences. Im really glad that your Grammar skill is not a big problem for you.