
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第15期



老师: Cheng
周期: 个月



经过学习后,讲话自信了许多,词汇量增大了许多,发音方面也没有什么错误了,可以流利地用英语跟老师谈论不同的话题。听力进步十分大,即使外教的语速比较快,沟通也基本没什么问题,也能够用长句(because if they…, I think her uncle will… )表达一些想法,有不同意见的时候还能与外教辩论,外教对这一点十分赞赏。





在易说堂习,基本上做到老师上课前15分钟的预习。每周五我与老师进行free talking前都会事先想好话题。

  Reach beyond what's comfortable and necessary, into the realm of the best that is possible. Go beyond what you must do, and do more. That's where you will start to encounter life's richness, specially in learning English.

Have you remembered, you had a stammering mode of utterance on our first week of class? But as the days, weeks, months passed by:

- You speak fluently and confidently. Have you noticed that?

- You can be able to express yourself well and it is truly outstanding.

- You always share your opinions or ideas about a certain topic.

- You answered most of the question in a complete sentence and has been very cooperative.

- I can see that you enjoy in conversation and discussion - expresses ideas clearly.

- You have a good oral vocabulary.

- You're always eager to talk each day and I commend you for that.


Before you can't understand my questions, but now: - You've gained a sensitive listening skills.

- It's not that easy to throw up a keen listening, but you did. Congratulations!

- You always lend your ears in all the details that I'm giving to you in our class.

- You're a good listener and willing to learn. You're a very competitive person and I know you will reach greater heights in your studies.

- You're keen enough to respond my questions and follow my commands and instructions. You're great my dear!

- Can follow directions and he evaluates what he hears.

- When I speak of new words and expression you clearly state that you misunderstood or didn't quite catch what I said. This approach is effective and displays honesty.


Before you often commit mistakes in pronunciation but now:

- Fine pronunciation! You become more aware on your pronunciations.

- You showed that you have no fear when it comes to trying to speak new words, excellent! You speak clear and effectively


Before you have limited words but now:

- You have acquired a lot of vocabularies and that's good! Hold on loving words.

- You've gathered enough new words in our daily conversation.

- Generally speaking you do have a great collection of vocabulary words.

  You are good in making sentences. Please learn how to make complex sentences. Im really glad that your Grammar skill is not a big problem for you.