
最佳学员 当前位置:首页 > 师生风采 >最佳学员> 第2期



老师: Ada
周期: 3个月






Hi Suncloud, I'm glad to have you as my student. You are at your best always! You are cooperative and active in the class and never misses the chance to participate in daily short conversation. I can see that you are enjoying studying English and is very much focus in improving yourself specially your vocabulary. I never knew we already reached one month. I have written below your performance for our first month in 5 categories that will be a great help for you to keep track of your development.

Improvement Comment

Hi Suncloud, You will only need more practice conversation more as you are good in the activity of the lesson. You are well rounded when it comes to grammar but will need attention to enjoy practicing speaking English and use different expression in English. Your pronunciation is a little off but not that much so I think of some suggestions that will help you improve your pronunciation:

1) Practice words with the "s" sound word.

2) Be familiar with different phonemes specially with the vowel sounds.

3) Practice the words that you mispronounced

4) and lastly listen always to our recorded conversation that you often do. It's so nice of you that you have time to listen to our recorded conversation and find your flaws in pronunciation or in the conversation. Keep on studying!

  You have practiced this much during our class interaction and is using words appropriately in the sentence. You can express your feelings, experiences that well though lacks of spontaneity that needs to be improve more.
  You have a great listening skills as you can relate well in the lesson and can answer well enough in the acitivities of the topic. No questions are unanswered unless you don't understand a word or expression.
  You can pronounced the words clearly and intellegibly though there are words that needs certain correction. You have a problem with the short "i" and the "s" sound words but is not a problem, it only needs practice and familiarity.
  You have a wide vocabulary as you can use some high fallutin words in English though must still needs enrichment as to further improved your vocabulary to understand English language more.
  You are good in this area as you can answer the grammar activity in the lesson though needs to be practice in speaking as you have lapses in verb-subject agreement. This has been my observation as to your development with regards to your knowledge in English. I hope the will give you idea as to where you need to focus more and where you need to give more attention. Let's talk and study more!